Women, in general, face different forms of discrimination in our society. Gender inequality shows its terrible faces in the form of physical & Sexual abuse, female infanticide, dowry, unequal salary, graphical representation of women, etc. The Government and many NGOs are working hard to help women to attain equality and stand on their own feet by providing subsidies and incentives.
But, somewhere along the road, a new offshoot of perks have materialized that seems overboard, even from a woman's perspective.
Let's face it. Some incentives are a bit too much and in no way promotes equality. By giving too much for free, it actually makes the Women folks look weak and dependent.
The following is a list of perks that I've tried to make that I believe to be unfair to the guys:
1. Seat reservations for women on public transports:
I definitely advocate separate buses or coaches for women because they'll facilitate a safer commuting and a respite from sickly gropers and sticky eyed men. But reserving a few seats for ladies, along with the disabled in not needed.
Yes, we've got legs too. We can stand if the seats are fully occupied.
I once saw a 20 something girl ask an older man(60ish) to get up because he was sitting on a 'Ladies only' seat with his wife. So much for equality!
Reserve seats for the old and disabled; not young spineless disrespectful girls.

Some go online to showcase their femi-nazi disabled mind
2.Fee waivers:
Consider any admission/entrance examination. Girls pay half of what the guys pay or nothing when submitting these applications. (eg. GATE, JAM, CAT, etc.) Now, what's that all about?
I don't need a fee waiver just like a lot of my friends. I also know some girls who need it dearly, just as much as many boys.
Why not give fee waivers and subsidies only to those who need it ? Why tax the poor and let the rich enjoy the benefit?
Fee waivers should be given based on economic level of a person and not based on caste or gender. So, let's tell the government to stop discriminating against us women.
3. Queues:
While women have separate queues in ticketing counters, the authorities forget to put separate counters for Senior citizens and disabled people in many places. I have been to movie theaters where the male queues are a mile long but I could go there in the last minute and get tickets because, I'm a woman and life is unfair!
4. Research labs:
Many scientific researches require overnight observation of the samples. Researchers who do such research, sleep at the lab itself and wake up at specific intervals to note down readings. But, if you are in India and happen to be a girl, rejoice! Because the unsuspecting male member of your research group is going to have to stay back all night instead of you.

5. Excuses:
While caught traveling ticketless or when caught overlooking traffic signals, girls are usually excused or let go with a warning while guys doing the exact same crime, gets punished severely.
According to Babu anna who used to drive us to school and back on his rental car,"If a girl falls off her bike, people immediately come to her help asking if she wants water or juice or whatever. But, if a guy falls of a bike, people say he's probably drunk and deserves it."
6. PMT:
You had a sudden emotional outburst at your office or rolled on the floor wrestling a coworker, you can always apologise later and blame it on your hormones. How else would women get out of trouble if not for PMT??!!
When in school, if we ever wanted to skip classes, we said one of us had stomach ache and the rest of us had to be there for her. Surprisingly, it shut up every single male teacher. I'm telling you, it works like a charm!

7. Unfair laws:
This one is pretty serious. Many of the laws in our country are a nightmare for the men folks. Consider the laws on dowry, harassment and rape. A man can be arrested and jailed even if the woman has absolutely no proof supporting her complaint. Many innocent men face severe punishments due to misuse of the law by women seeking revenge on personal issues. It's not easy forgetting Ravi Kumar who committed suicide after false dowry case.

Women only need respect and equality. It's unfair to load us with perks and reduce our self respect! We are well capable of working for what we need.
But, somewhere along the road, a new offshoot of perks have materialized that seems overboard, even from a woman's perspective.
Let's face it. Some incentives are a bit too much and in no way promotes equality. By giving too much for free, it actually makes the Women folks look weak and dependent.
The following is a list of perks that I've tried to make that I believe to be unfair to the guys:
1. Seat reservations for women on public transports:
I definitely advocate separate buses or coaches for women because they'll facilitate a safer commuting and a respite from sickly gropers and sticky eyed men. But reserving a few seats for ladies, along with the disabled in not needed.
Yes, we've got legs too. We can stand if the seats are fully occupied.
I once saw a 20 something girl ask an older man(60ish) to get up because he was sitting on a 'Ladies only' seat with his wife. So much for equality!
Reserve seats for the old and disabled; not young spineless disrespectful girls.
Some go online to showcase their femi-nazi disabled mind
2.Fee waivers:
Consider any admission/entrance examination. Girls pay half of what the guys pay or nothing when submitting these applications. (eg. GATE, JAM, CAT, etc.) Now, what's that all about?
Why not give fee waivers and subsidies only to those who need it ? Why tax the poor and let the rich enjoy the benefit?
Fee waivers should be given based on economic level of a person and not based on caste or gender. So, let's tell the government to stop discriminating against us women.
3. Queues:

4. Research labs:
Many scientific researches require overnight observation of the samples. Researchers who do such research, sleep at the lab itself and wake up at specific intervals to note down readings. But, if you are in India and happen to be a girl, rejoice! Because the unsuspecting male member of your research group is going to have to stay back all night instead of you.
5. Excuses:

While caught traveling ticketless or when caught overlooking traffic signals, girls are usually excused or let go with a warning while guys doing the exact same crime, gets punished severely.
According to Babu anna who used to drive us to school and back on his rental car,"If a girl falls off her bike, people immediately come to her help asking if she wants water or juice or whatever. But, if a guy falls of a bike, people say he's probably drunk and deserves it."
6. PMT:

When in school, if we ever wanted to skip classes, we said one of us had stomach ache and the rest of us had to be there for her. Surprisingly, it shut up every single male teacher. I'm telling you, it works like a charm!

7. Unfair laws:
This one is pretty serious. Many of the laws in our country are a nightmare for the men folks. Consider the laws on dowry, harassment and rape. A man can be arrested and jailed even if the woman has absolutely no proof supporting her complaint. Many innocent men face severe punishments due to misuse of the law by women seeking revenge on personal issues. It's not easy forgetting Ravi Kumar who committed suicide after false dowry case.

Women only need respect and equality. It's unfair to load us with perks and reduce our self respect! We are well capable of working for what we need.