Friday, 12 December 2014

Little things in life

What Happiness means to the bizarre scientist

·         Getting a call from Mom, Dad or Sister when I feel lonely

·         After writing my last exam

·         Teasing my friends with their crushes!

·         Laughing till my stomach aches

·         To see my parents smile because of something I did

·         Playing pranks on friends; especially doing something they hate

·         Munching on something when a class is in progress

·         When my friends are scolded for talking in class, when it was really me!

·         To get a last minute call that says class is cancelled

·         Going on vacation with family

·         To empty my bladder after having to hold it for a long time

·         Taking a walk at 5.30 in the morning

·         Watching the sunset in silence from the university terrace with friends

·         Getting wet in the overflowing water from hostel overhead tank

·         Laughing hard when a friend embarrasses herself in front of her crush

·         Walking slowly in the rain with a friend back to hostel after a busy day

·         When a baby holds my finger tightly and refuses to let go

·         Waking up at night and seeing I have more time to sleep

·         A movie with a perfect happy end

·         When my crush smiles at me

·         When I and my dad successfully fix a broken gadget or faulty circuit

·         Adding numbers to the number of countries I have travelled to.

·         Riding from the dept to language block in scooty through the green jungle with the wind blowing through my hair

·         Dancing to loud music and disco lights at home with my mom

·         Laughing and Crying out loud while reading an engaging novel

·         Listening to soft music in earphone during a long bus ride

·         Exploring a new patch of jungle inside my university with a friend

·         Eating a chocolate when lots of people are watching me with jealousy

·         Taking selfies!!!

·         Teasing my friend till she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown

·         Hanging out with the construction worker’s kids at university

·         Staying in bed till 11’ am and my mom is okay with it

·         Finish reading a new novel

·         Reading Harry Potter over and over again till I become old and lose my eyesight

·         Realising the love of God when looking at the crucifix

·         Finishing a new ‘Craplog’

·         When someone says I’m proud of you

·         Reading Calvin and Hobbes comics and laughing so loud that others think I’m nuts

·         When I get perfect results in my research project

·         Discovering inspirational people like Martin Luther King Jr.

·         Finding  the right words that explain my present situation in the bible

·         Working out in the morning

·         Biting into fresh bread, jam and butter

·         Anticipating dinner at 7 in the evening

·         Thinking about happy nostalgic memories

·         Watching someone being pooped on or puked on by a baby

·         When nobody is watching when I fall down

·         Singing aloud when nobody’s around

·         Being too lazy to get up and pick up something that’s just out of reach

·         When a random guess in exam turns out right

·         When a cute puppy keeps running around me and refuses to go away

·         Eating a bar of chocolate little by little and savouring every bite

·         Watching funny videos

·         When friends watch horror movies at night and I can easily scare them for the next few days

·         When teachers send me out of class along with a group of friends

·         Looking at the amazing work of God under a microscope

·         Editing photographs ;)

·         Collecting funny photos of friends in folders to embarrass them later

·         Building cosy nests with my blanket and surrounded by all bare necessities(junk food) when I read a book

·         Cooking something that actually tastes good

·         Chatting with your bestie all night and suddenly realise its already morning

·         Girls Night Sleepovers <3 <3

These are little things in life that all of us enjoy. But we don’t take any conscious effort to actually acknowledge it. Life would be so much more fun if we can take things slow and cherish every second of it!


  1. reading this made me realise how much i am out of sync with life . duh

  2. Happiness is reading your blog!

    1. Happiness is knowing that people actually read what I write! :)

  3. Same feeling Semsa :))

  4. wooow! I'm glad there are people out there who appreciate little joys of Life...the happy people :)

    1. I love happy people. they make the world a better place to live

  5. Happiness is...... Noticing that this has been posted on December 12th (Rajini's birthday)......... He he he.....

  6. Why no new posts bizaree scientist?
