Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Are we cold blooded murderers??

I find many people protesting against animals being used in labs for testing. But they don’t understand there would be no lifesaving drugs if not for animal research!! Of course, there are alternatives like cell culture and computer based virtual testing.... but would FDA approve your drug without showing your animal testing results?? People want science to find a cure for all the deadly diseases, but not without animals? May I ask how they want that done? Through magic??

Dont test them on animals; Test the drugs on urselves first??

Don’t get me wrong ppl.... I AM against cruelity to animals.... but who would you rather see dead?? That little five year old suffering miserably due to brain tumor while her friends play outside ....... or a lab rat?? You can’t deny the rat traps and rat poison people use to keep out these creatures..... is that not cruelty then?? Sure, they have the right to live on this planet as much we do....... so does the Chicken you had for lunch!

You may ask, can the drugs tested on animals be given to humans? After all they have different body makes! No probs, you share 95% of DNA with a rat! And even after testing on rats, the drug is tested on human body tissues and even on live humans (clinical trials) before they get approval..... If Edward Jenner hadn’t tested his vaccine on James Phipps, we wouldn’t have got the smallpox vaccine and his work is said to have 'saved more lives than the work of any other man'. Today small pox has been entirely wiped out from the planet! 

Let’s be sensible friends. The scientists ARE trying to minimise the usage of animals for testing drugs by finding alternatives........ but setting free a lab full of lab-bred primates who have no idea how to feed themselves and destroying 2 decades of research results that would have helped mankind, in the name of saving the animals and giving back their freedom, is totally ABSURD!
It’s not about choosing between the Good and the Bad..... It’s about finding which Good is the better and which bad is the worser among the options!!

Please give ur views on this topic.... I’m open to new opinions (It sure CAN contradict mine)!

When moms lie

All of us know lying is bad. But that doesn’t stop us from saying lies. Who taught you that lying is bad? In most cases, it’s our parents! But when they themselves lie, how can they expect us not to!!
The most annoying lie is when my mom calls us all for dinner. But when I leave everything half done and rush to the dining table hungry, she asks me to set up the table and get the plates ready. The sight of the whistling rice cooker and the curry brewing on the stove makes you want to scream!!
Other times, when my parents are out and I am feeling bored at home; when I call them up and ask them when they’ll be home, my mom says, ”Just half an hour sweetie, tidy up the house and we’ll be there by the time you finish it.” Then after 2 hours, when I call her back with a not very clean house, she says, “15 more minutes. Is the house clean now?” So I hang up and decide not to call her ever again!
Many times when I’m commenting on how terrible my sister’s hair looks, my mom comes to her rescue and says, “Don’t listen to her darling! You look gorgeous” And I’m sitting there rolling my eyes at my sister! Seriously Mom, I’m never going to trust you when you comment on how I look in my new dress!!
Sometimes when there are limited sweets or some delicacy that everybody at home loves, my parents tell the most unbelievable lie. When I and my sister are almost done finishing the whole thing, I suddenly remember and ask, ”Mom! Did you eat any of this Gulab Jamun?” and the answer comes back spontaneous, “Yeah baby, I had it when u were not watching, you eat now! “ And I gobble down the remaining, being the considering daughter that I am!!
When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me to finish all my vegetables in my plate. She used to say eating vegetables will give me better brains and nightvision. So I trusted her and ate all those green grossy things. But I still cannot see in the dark and my intelligence only seems to be deteriorating inspite of the amount of greens my brain has eaten!
See Mom? When we love someone we tend to say a lot of lies to protect them from the truth! That’s why I lie to you. I don’t want you to get hurt when you come to know your daughter hasn’t been very good today. You lie and I lie. So we’re equal now!!

Weird things that people do

Most of the stuff you do is never commanded by your brain(if at all you have a brain). All of us do a lot of things unconsciously without ever meaning to. Some are inborn, and some are picked up along the course of our life. Commonly referred to as ‘Habits’.
Sometimes people have really creepy or even disgusting habits….. like some of mine, which we will be discussing in detail.
One of my really cool habits is picking up a new slang or an accent from a friend and imitating it for a while. And when I say ‘a while’, you must understand that it can range from a few weeks to even years. And let me assure you, it’s not intentional. Some really catchy accent or phrase gets stuck up in my head and simply refuse to get out!
And so I am really unpredictable. No one knows how my response might be like, anytime. How cool is that!
But the one that I’m most ashamed to admit is how my body clock is set. Unlike most people of my age, I wake up at 5.30 in the morning! Being a morning person is usually approved of by the older folks, but all my friends look at me with raised eyebrows and disapproving stares, which makes me look weird and holy! :P Ugh how embarrassing! But I can be awake into the night. So I enjoy longer days, everyday!
In addition to that, I can sleep almost any time in any place. And wake up at will. It’s like switching me ON and OFF. Now that IS weird!
My first roommate used to watch people sleep. It was creepy and scared the crap out of me!! She also used to talk in her sleep, sometimes even laugh, which can be very scary at night. Then she blamed us for watching her when she sleeps! I used to be like, ‘I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!’ :o
Some things in life were just not meant to be. One of my friends had this peculiar habit of opening and closing the pen cap till it can drive you nuts! And she didn’t even know she was doing it till we told her. Another of my friend keeps shaking her head to and fro while speaking, while listening or even while simply staring at someone! It’s like sitting near a cow that can’t keep still! Life IS an adventure, where you can meet a lot of wild life on the way!!
Recently one of my best friends started saying,”Eeeek” whenever she gets excited and literally jumps in joy. Given the fact that she’s on the heavier side, which only made it worse to look at. And then came the terrible time when all of my friends, five in total, including me, took in this habit and hell broke loose! With an 'Eeeeek eeeek' here and an 'eeeeek eeeek' there! It was horrifying! My other classmates definitely went through hell.  It took us a lot of time and will power to get out of it. Whew! I finally got out of it!!! Eeeeek!!
But no one’s habit has been as annoying as my present roommate’s, who replies with an ‘Achcha’ (it means ‘good’ in Hindi) for anything you might tell her. And honestly it isn’t good at all, hearing it over and over again!!
Some guys unconsciously run their fingers through their hair and rest their hands on the nape of their necks, which I think is rather cool! ;)
There are other habits I have, which I will not be telling you. By doing this I’m not only protecting myself from embarrassment but also saving you from hearing crude sickening stuff!

But I know this for sure: Any alien that might land on earth will soon end up in a mental asylum if it had to witness all the weird things we do!!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Heights of Misery

What is your scariest nightmare? How about being grounded at home for a month or failing in all the subjects or embarrassing yourself in front of your crush or losing someone you love?? 

I’m not very worried about any of these. For me it’s when my cells die! By saying cells, I’m not talking about those in my body. They die out everyday and I don’t give a shit about them. You see, I’m growing some live neural cells called N2a cells and breast cancer cells called T47D cells in my lab. These kinds of human cells are grown so that drugs can be tested on them like on lab rats. Unless the drugs are tested in live human tissues, they cannot be approved in FDA for selling in the market.

And so coming back, I grow a few flasks of these cells as a part of my project. Growing cells can be the toughest job on earth! They just refuse to grow in flasks if you forget to give them the required nutrition in the right time or if they think their personal space is being encroached by other cells and they need a new flask for themselves every time they produce new ones. And they simply go on strike and starve to death if they have to share the flask with other fungi or prions. Those selfish little pigs!

It’s frustrating how a little spore of fungi can kill almost all the flask of cells in the lab. As I carefully give them good food, space, carbon di oxide (Yea! They absolutely love it) and humidity and watch over them everyday and one fine day I come to the lab to see them all dead!! Oh my babies!!! :’(

Life is CRUEL!!

The Shit that people eat!

“One man’s shit is another man’s grub” I just made up that proverb! Anyways, given the fact that people eat rattlesnakes and cockroaches for breakfast, I’m sure most of you agree with me.

I’m not very different from the above kind of people. Well I don’t exactly eat roaches but I can tell you, I eat a lot of things you have no idea is even edible.

For starters, let’s consider the goat brain. WHAT?? Yeah, you heard it right. I eat goat brain and any other animal brain that is stupid enough to end up in my plate. There’s this place in Madurai called Konnavan Chalai that’s a must check out point, if you’re interested in tasting this delicacy. You can find a row of goat heads stashed on the road sides and the whole place smells like paradise, if you know what I mean! Eww you might say. But take my advice, visit this place and you’ll not live to tell your story!

But that’s not the weirdest thing I've eaten .Well, at least not as weird as the crocodile meat! In fact, that was not very weird. Half the people in Thailand literally survive on Crocs. One more thing I gobbled down in Thailand is the Giant Squid. Believe it or not, it was beautiful. With its purple tentacles with spotted round protruding whatever, that you can choke on as it goes through your throat. Too bad it had to end up in my tummy!  
But it can in no way compare with the plate of snails that was put in front of me in Paris. The French call it the Escargot and is a starter made with snails cooked with garlic and parsley butter. 

But we’re not going to talk about the grossier things. 
Staying positive and light, I’d like to move on to the pigs in my country. Well you see, most of them are splashing around in open drainage and muddy puddles in the roadside with their family and friends. And they’re black! Don’t get me wrong, I’m no racist but I’m not exactly sure about their original colour, since they’re covered with shit, sludge and other gross stuff you find in sewers. 

Their cleaner cousins, the fatter ones that are pink, are found in Jesuit establishments and hotels that need someone to clear up the leftovers. They’re not a very pretty sight either, but certainly much better looking than their dark street cousins. Not that looks matter, when it comes to eating. I almost eat everything that can walk. Or swim or fly….. Or oh yes, some even crawl. (O_O) 

And, so owing to my genuine concern on fellow human beings and my tendency to help anyone in need, I am giving you a set of advises on cooking a pig, that is a collection of secret techniques that are only passed on to worthy Pig-eaters!!


Things you’ll need:
1.       One or two men: Usually one man will do…. But some of ‘em put up a good fight. So you might need 2 men for catching them.
2.       One woman: This will be the person who cooks it. Anyone who can cook better than you, should be fine. If it’s your mother, then I’m happy for you!
3.       A pig: A big one or a small one depending on your appetite.

Steps involved:
1.       Now that you have all that you need, you can get to work. First close the barn door or whatever door that keeps the pig in. (Caution: Beware of athletic pigs that can jump over fences)
2.       Now with the 2 men, who have agreed to help you out, enter into the pig’s enclosure. The trick is to make the pig believe that you’re not interested in it. This might confuse the pig at first. Talk amongst yourselves, while slowly moving towards the pig.
3.       By now the Pig must have figured out your evil intentions. He’d probably be standing there glaring at you.
4.       When you’re close enough, go for the dive. Jump at the pig from all directions. This could be tricky because you have to dive with your hands spread out towards the pig. Don’t worry if your hands get tangled with each others, because it can get the pig entangled in the web.
5.       But some particularly clever pigs can squeeze away through the loops and leave you there on the floor looking like gay retards. In this case, you need to use your plan B, which is the Chase.
6.       Run around the pig pen and grab the pig with your hands. Try not to pull its tail, because that can get you arrested for violating animal rights!
7.       Some people can use their persuasive speaking skills into coercing the pig into surrendering. But don’t try it, if you don’t have good oratory talents. You might end up getting laughed at by a pig!
8.       The last rule is not to get depressed if you’re outsmarted by the pig. You’ll eventually grow out of the embarrassment.
9.       When you’ve finally caught it, give it to your mom or whoever can cook and tell them to cook it for you. Then stand up and observe a few minutes of silence for the pig and pray that it may rest in peace. Or who knows the pig’s soul might come back looking for you….
10. People usually put an apple in the pig’s mouth after roasting it. You could go for other fruits, if you don’t want to be too mainstream. But a watermelon will not fit in, even with the bigmouthed ones.

Voila! There you go…… your very First pig on your dining table!!

Don’t forget to share this recipe with any friend in distress and help out just like what I did. Happiness is being a friend in need!!

PS. I've never eaten pork ever! lol

Skipping along the way!

Having lived on earth for 21 years, as I sit here and look back at the path I've traveled, I am grateful I have had my equal shares of hardships, heartbreak and joyous times!!!
I have never been that perfect fantasy girl I would have loved to be. But still I cherish the fact that I’m awkward but yet lovable. 
I’m not ashamed to admit I've made tons of stupid mistakes, and later regretted them. And I've done the same over and over again!! I’m awkward and clumsy at times. I wear flats everyday but still fall down on smooth ground all the time!!!  
I've hurt people many times without intending to.. :(
I've been called crazy and weird. I've had my share of hate posts targeted on me. There were times when I thought everybody hated me…… If not for God who sent the right kind of angels at the right time!!
And today, I want to thank all my friends and family, for the person I have become over the years -- a strong, independent woman who can walk a life in her own shoes, knowing I have the power, mind and strength to believe I am worth the life I have been given!!! 
I want everybody to know how much I value your support and care that has kept me standing!!
With love
